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时间:2022年06月25日 08:10    来源:    作者:admin    阅读:


担任联合国高级别人工智能咨询机构(UN High Level Advisory Body on AI)专家,中国法学会互联网与信息法学会理事,中国婚姻法学会理事,公安部网络安全法律咨询委员会委员,工信部信息通信科学技术委员会专家委员、中国信息安全法律委员会专家委员,曾参与我国多项人工智能和算法、数据和平台治理相关法律法规的立法咨询工作,在2024年担任《人工智能法(学者建议稿)》( China Artificial Intelligence Law(Scholar Proposed Draft))起草专家组牵头专家。



Zhang Linghan, Ph.D.,is a Professor and doctoral supervisor at the Institute of Data Law, China University of Political Science and Law. She was a visiting scholar at Cornell University. She graduated from the Law School of Jilin University with her bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees. Her research interests are civil and commercial law, data law and she has focused on the legal issues related to artificial intelligence (algorithms), data, and platform governance in recent years.

She is a member of UN High Level Advisory Body on AI(one of two Chinese experts), the Council of the China Law Society Cyber and Information Law Society,the Council of the Family Law Research Society, and the National Group of AI Ethics and Guidelines, the Information and Communication Science and Technology Committee of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Cybersecurity Legal Advisory Committee of the Ministry of Public Security, the China Information Security Law Committee. She has participated in the legislative advisory work on relevant laws related to algorithms regulation, platform governance, data security and artificial intelligence governance in China for years. She is the lead drafter of the drafting expert group of the China Artificial Intelligence Law(Scholar Proposed Draft) in 2024.

As one of the pioneering scholars in China to conduct research on the regulation of artificial intelligence and algorithms, she has published dozens of papers on topics such as algorithm regulation, platform governance, cross-border data flow, personal information protection, and artificial intelligence governance in journals such as China Legal Science, Science of Law, Modern Law Sciecne, and Studies in Law and Business. She has been continuously ranked as a highly cited author by www.chinalawinfo.com for several years, with her works being cited more than a thousand times. Several of her papers have been reprinted in China Social Science Excellence, Chinese Social Science Digest, and China University Academic Abstracts. She has published books “Research on Tort Liability of Online Virtual Property” and “Governing Power: Regulation of Algorithms in the Age of Artificial Intelligence”, which won the Ninth Dong Biwu Youth Law Achievement Award. She has undertaken research projects of the National Social Science Foundation of China about Algorithm regulation and AI Governance.

Contact information: zl343@cupl.edu.cn.